Premiere at unintech – European spine surgeons participate at the current Elite Camp for endoscopic spine surgery in China.
For the first time, surgeons from Germany, Spain, Malaysia and Hong Kong, as well as two colleagues from unintech, participate in this intensive training.
The two-week intensive course takes place at the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University under the leadership of Prof. Xuexiao Ma and Prof. Chuanli Zhou.
The Elite Camp provides basic and advanced knowledge and techniques in endoscopic spine surgery according to the unintech EndoSurg concept.
The course curriculum includes lectures, practical exercises on a model, live surgeries for various indications and hands-on workshops on human specimen.
Overall, this event promises to be an enriching and collaborative platform for surgeons from around the world. It offers a unique opportunity to learn from renowned spine specialists. We are confident that the Elite Camp will facilitate lasting relationships and contribute to the development of endoscopic technology on a global scale.
Many thanks to our guest instructor: Dr. Woquan Zhong from Beijing University Third Hospital.
And also, our great thanks to the full support during the complete training: Dr. Wang Xin, Dr. Derong Xu and the team onsite